Sustainable Tourism

Tourism Declares a Climate Emergency

A new network of organisations, companies and individuals working in tourism has come together to join other industries and regions in declaring a climate emergency.

Launched on 14 January 2020 at, the declaration commits signatories to accelerate their own emission reductions in line with IPPC advice that the world needs to cut global carbon emissions to 55% below 2017 levels by 2030. 

All signatories commit to the following five actions:

1. Develop a ‘Climate Emergency Plan’

Adopted by your Executive board within 12 months of your initial declaration, or sooner.

2. Share your commitment and progress publicly

Share your initial public declaration, your ‘Climate Emergency Plan’, and update on progress against your targets each year.

3. Cut carbon emissions

Accept current IPCC advice stating the need to cut global carbon emissions to 55% below 2017 levels by 2030 in order to keep the planet within 1.5 degrees of warming. Ensure your ‘Climate Emergency Plan’ represents actions designed to achieve this as a minimum, through delivering transparent, measurable and increasing reductions in the total carbon emissions per customer arising from your operations and the travel services sold by you. 

4. Work together

Encourage suppliers and partners to make the same declaration; share best practice amongst peers;  and actively participate in the Tourism Declares community.

5. Advocate for change

Recognise the need for system change across the industry, and call for urgent regulatory action to accelerate the transition towards zero-carbon air travel. 

Make your own declaration

During 2020 the Tourism Declares network will focus on adding as many signatories as possible and supporting one another in developing Climate Emergency Plans. All companies, organisations and individuals working in tourism are encouraged to declare at

Tourism Tattler has joined the initiative by stating our Climate Emergency Declaration for 2020 and Beyond. The full list of current signatories can be found at

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