
Predictions for Native Advertising

Native Advertising definition: Paid content that matches a publication’s editorial standards while meeting the audience’s expectations. Facebook and Twitter fail this definition because neither are publishers. The same is true with Google AdWords. Source:

No one knows exactly what the future holds. However, 23 outstanding experts (featured in the new e-book – see link below this article) have a better shot than most people at predicting how the future will affect native advertising.

Reading their predictions, there’s no doubt that content marketing is going native. Reaching the right audiences on the right platforms is no easy task in a fragmented media landscape. Hopefully, the wise words of these 23 experts will contribute to making your work with native advertising even more successful.

Below are two predictions extracted from the new e-book:

Advertisers and publishers will focus on better quality.

“Largely up to now branded content has been seen as a separate entity which is there to communicate a marketing message, rather than inform and entertain an audience. Brands and audiences will increasingly demand content which is compelling and resonates with them or they will vote with their feet, by using Ad Blockers or not engage with the content,” says Pete Wootton, Managing Director of Digital, Dennis Publishing.

“Branded content will become as good or better than a publisher’s normal editorial output by increased investment, a more integrated approach and a developing market where publishers have more confidence to control the execution.”

Brands will take advantage of publishers’ in-house content studios.

“I expect to see brands take more advantage of in-house content studios at publishing companies as a couple of factors collide: more budget for direct marketing will go to publishers and scaling amazing content will get harder for brands to do internally,” says Clare Carr, VP of Marketing,

“The brands that take advantage of in-house content studios will see a huge lift in sentiment and exposure, while the brands that rely only on one or two channels for direct sales will likely see ROI only increase in direct correlation with their on-platform spend.”

For more insights download the free e-book at

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